
Category Archives for "Blogging For Money"

Ultimate Azon Theme Review Video: What I Like About The Theme And What I Don’t

Here comes the Ultimate Azon Theme review video I prepared for you. I use this theme on my Honey Bee website (see what the website nicknames mean here) and so far I am very happy with it. This is truly a theme created by an Amazon affiliate for Amazon affiliates! So, I decided to share my […]

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The Second Website I Bought: Predictions Coming True?

While you may have been eagerly waiting for my post about PBN, I decided to whip up a not-so-short but sweet text about the second website I bought for my portfolio. I gave it a nickname Horse 🐎 (see my other website nicknames here). The website has started showing some good numbers, and I think this is […]

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Website Broker Review: 5 Businesses That Can Help You Get Your Own Business

For buying a website I have closely monitored offerings from two online business brokers: FEInternational and Empire Flippers. Reads my website broker review to find out whos’s the best among them. Why Using a Website Broker? I decided to use a website broker for one simple reason: I am very new to this business and I […]

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How To Start a Niche Website With Human Proof Designs Based On My Experience 👩‍💻

Following my plan, I started building my first niche website a few weeks ago. No, not like this. I outsourced the building process of my first niche website 🎉 This was a great answer to the question “How to start a niche website”. At least for me. Why outsourcing? 🤔 I know myself well. When it […]

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