This is the second post from the series about how I build a PBN for my money websites. The first one was an introduction to private blog networks, and this one is about the very first stepping stone of building a private blog network: Expired domains. In this post I will tell you what expired […]
Continue readingHere comes the Ultimate Azon Theme review video I prepared for you. I use this theme on my Honey Bee website (see what the website nicknames mean here) and so far I am very happy with it. This is truly a theme created by an Amazon affiliate for Amazon affiliates! So, I decided to share my […]
Continue readingThis is the first post from the series about how I build a PBN for my money websites. In the beginning, I wanted to briefly cover the strategy and methods I am using. However, the more time I spent writing the bigger the post became. So, I decided to split it into multiple articles and […]
Continue readingWhile you may have been eagerly waiting for my post about PBN, I decided to whip up a not-so-short but sweet text about the second website I bought for my portfolio. I gave it a nickname Horse 🐎 (see my other website nicknames here). The website has started showing some good numbers, and I think this is […]
Continue readingAs you know I have recently bought two websites. Let’s look at their performance and what I plan to do to increase it. I have no idea how realistic my plan is… so, a part of the plan is to find it out! 🙂 I am sure it won’t be easy to achieve my ambitious goals, and it […]
Continue readingIs it easy to become an Amazon affiliate nowadays? I had to apply twice before I finally became a member of the Amazon Accosiates Program. My first application got rejected, but I did not give up! Read about my experience below. Applying For Amazon Associates Program Nowadays applying for Amazon Affiliate seems to be easy: […]
Continue readingFinally, I bought a website! In this post, I will tell you what I bought (without revealing the URL, of course) and how I chose it. Disclaimer: I am still very new to it and I am no way being an expert in the subject of buying websites. However, I want to share my experience with […]
Continue readingFor buying a website I have closely monitored offerings from two online business brokers: FEInternational and Empire Flippers. Reads my website broker review to find out whos’s the best among them. Why Using a Website Broker? I decided to use a website broker for one simple reason: I am very new to this business and I […]
Continue readingFollowing my plan, I started building my first niche website a few weeks ago. No, not like this. I outsourced the building process of my first niche website 🎉 This was a great answer to the question “How to start a niche website”. At least for me. Why outsourcing? 🤔 I know myself well. When it […]
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