What you will find here Cryptocurrency is a hot topic and I have the first hand experience with in. In 2016, I invested in Ethereum that at that time, cost around $12. In 2018, I sold it with 1000% profit. It was a wild ride and I learned a lot of things including how crypto-wallets work, […]
Continue readingThis is the final article in my series about how I became an accidental m̶i̶l̶l̶i̶o̶n̶a̶i̶r̶e̶ 🙈 cryptocurrency investor; you can see all the posts if you click on the tag cryptocurrency. As you guys should know already, I bought some Ethereum in June 2016 before it got crazy popular and even before it got forked (a split into […]
Continue readingAs you may know already, I used Quadriga exchange platform to sell Ethereum I bought a while ago I bought a while ago. If you don’t, here’s my QuadrigaCX review where I described my experience and why I chose this cryptocurrency trading platform. When I was writing the review, I liked everything about QuadrigaCX except […]
Continue readingUpdate: I have completed the verification with QuadrigaCS and here is how I did it. I have also updated this post in the parts about the verification and withdrawals. As you may know already, I bought Ethereum a while ago. This year, Ethereum did a head-spinning rise and despite my plans on keeping it as […]
Continue readingAs I mentioned in my January 2018 income report, I discovered that my Eethereum wallet not showing balance it was supposed to show. In the other words, all my ethers were gone from my Jaxx wallet and I was left with zero ethers. It was not the first time I saw that happening; Sam already had the […]
Continue readingUpdate: As I gather more experience in dealing with cryptocurrencies in general and Ethereum in particular, I will be updating this post. The latest update was about a “bug” Sam and I got in Jaxx Wallet that made our funds disappear. You can read about it here. It’s a follow-up on the other post I […]
Continue readingUpdate: The post was published on June 24, 2016 and since that, it invoked so many questions that in December 2017, I decided to write an update. Read it here. Once you start getting a revenue from your niche websites, how do you spend it? Maybe, paying off a mortgage or saving up for a vacation? Investing? Living […]
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