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Tag Archives for " humanProofDesign "

September – October 2019 Income Report: My First Public Talk 📢, 🐝 Website Sold, A New Apprentice 👨‍🎓

Welcome to my fifth bi-monthly income report of 2019! I am now doing bi-monthly income reports because it saves me time ⏳ and reduces the amount of identical content in my blog 💤 Rather than creating yet another boring IR, I better spend time on writing other posts that are hopefully more interesting than money […]

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A Podcast With HumanProofDesigns: From Distant Dream To $2,000/Mo Reality! w/ Nadya of LivingOffCloud.com [Episode #77]

October 2019, what a month has it been! It was a very busy time for me. I traveled heavily and visited two countries (UK and Russia) and 5 cities (London, UK, and Moscow, Zhukovskyi, Rybinsk, Kolomna in Russia). Also, I did my first public talk about my business! I recorded a podcast episode! 👉👉👉 Listen […]

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How To Start a Niche Website With Human Proof Designs Based On My Experience 👩‍💻

Following my plan, I started building my first niche website a few weeks ago. No, not like this. I outsourced the building process of my first niche website 🎉 This was a great answer to the question “How to start a niche website”. At least for me. Why outsourcing? 🤔 I know myself well. When it […]

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